Statement by Ambassador A.L.A. Azeez, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka At the Second Special Session of the General Conference of UNIDO

Dec 17, 2014 | Statements

Mr. President,

I congratulate you on your election as President of this Second Special Session of the General Conference.  We are pleased that under your able leadership, this Session was able to achieve its objectives effectively.

It was at the beginning of this week, at the 41st Session of the Industrial Development Board, that Members had the opportunity to choose a candidate for the post of Director General of UNIDO.  We had six candidates with diverse experience and backgrounds. The caliber of the candidates is a reflection of the importance attached to UNIDO by Members States and a re-affirmation of its capacity to effectively address sustainable industrialization and attendant challenges.

My delegation wishes to congratulate once again, Mr. Li Yong, the Director General of UNIDO, whose election has been endorsed by the General Conference today.Sri Lanka believes that his election would further strengthen this organization and infuse a new sense of dynamism and drive towards successfully fulfilling its mandate.   We have no doubt that Mr.  Li would steer this organization with great vision, tact and foresight.  I take this opportunity to assure UNIDO of our continued support and Mr. Li, the new Director General, of our goodwill, friendship and co-operation.  Together, we are confident that we can achieve a lot for UNIDO and for humanity as a whole.

Finally, we wish Dr. Yumkella every success in his new role in the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative.

I thank you Mr. President.